Heetzasi’s Journal

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Author (in-game): Heetzasi

Heetzasi’s Journal, Page 1

More money getting thrown around, looking for the R.

Better chance of finding Sanguine’s arse in a temple of Mara.

He’s getting pushy again. I stand my ground, but I’ve heard things about him. Dark things. Wish I could sort things out with Kassandra.

Heetzasi’s Journal, Page 2

More poking around. Scars to prove it.

Locals don’t “know” about R. Not information they pass down. It’s all Hist-knowledge. Instinct. Nothing concrete. Makes my job harder. I hate working hard.

Blackguards have the right idea. Take things from tribes—things they use to talk to their Hist. Try to find the R that way. But they’re crazy to try it on the Dead-Water. Those Nagas won’t stand for them stealing relics and such. Their funeral, I guess.

He’s coming by again today. Says he needs to make introductions.

Heetzasi’s Journal, Page 3

Beelishalus … 5 gold
Carga Flavonius … 7 gold
Hihup … 3 gold, 2 fishing nets (why?)
That Orc with the Harelip (name?) … 18 gold

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