TES1 Arena: Go Blades!

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The Elder Scrolls: Arena was not initially meant to be the fantasy roleplaying game it became. Initially, it was supposed to be all about, well, arenas. The kind where people fight. Every large city in the land would have one, and the player would have to fight their way through local competitions to regional ones, and so on and so forth all the way to the grand championship in the Imperial City. Due to a change in vision, that game was never produced. Only some artifacts from that stage of development remain. First, the very name of the title – “Arena”. Second, a text file with the names of fighting teams from every large city in Tamriel. Here it is, complete with a brief introduction for every team.

A few things to notice:

  • The Blades, the elite military troops of the Septim Empire, started their illustrious career rather humbly – as a fighting team from Dune, Elsweyr…
  • The word “Dagoth Ur” was made up as early as that. Only it was a place and not a person – the Volcano of Morrowind, AKA The Red Mountain.

Whenever formatting placeholders for ruler’s name and title were used in the file, I’ve instead substituted [King Name]

Black Marsh


You enter the city gates of Helstrom, noticing the dark looks the guards give you. You’ve heard of the Pit Daemons, who fight here. They have a reputation of being very dangerous. Perhaps you can change that…


The city gates of Archon loom over you as you enter. People around you here seem to be avoiding eye contact. You’ve heard that the Plague butchered their last opponents in this Arena and ate their remains. Not a fate you’d wish to share…


Gideon, the black city of the followers of Seth, lies near the southern tip of the Imperial Run. A cold air that has nothing to do with the time of year seems to chill your bones as you enter. It has been rumored that the Shadowblades, who fight for Gideon, are undead…


Blackrose, near the legendary forest of Murkwood, holds many secrets. You feel eyes on your back as the city gates shut behind you with a hollow boom. The Arena here holds the blood of many teams who have lost their lives to the Warriors. You do not plan to add yourself to that list…


Lilmoth, home of the Dark Tide, seems gloomy and forbidding. Never before have you experienced the unnatural fear that pervades the atmosphere. This city it is rumored, holds much under its streets…


You enter the gates of Soulrest, leaving the sounds of the ocean and surf behind. Inside it seems as if a hush as fallen over the city, as if all inside are holding their breath in anticipation. The Knightblades fight here, and it seems that the citizens are eager for blood…


Stormhold lies on the northern tip of the Province of Black Marsh. Here the people seem friendly, but a strain shows in their eyes. Perhaps it is because of their proximity to the Dark Elven lands. You only know that their team, the Black Shields, fight here and are considered perhaps the deadliest team on the continent…


Thorn holds the eastern edge of the continent, and has been named by some the Jewel of the East. As you enter their gates however, you realize that this town is as deadly as it is rumored to be beautiful. Vagabonds eye your purse strings and guards seem to turn lazy eyes elsewhere. The Warlords fight here, and if they can make a home in such a place, it seems they will be implacable foes…



Corinth and [King Name], heart of the Province Elsweyr, greet our weary brethren. If you come to challenge, know that the Brood are ready for battle, and merciless to their foes…


The white walled Alabaster welcomes you into her breast. [King Name] bids you to die well in the Arena if you challenge, for the Nightrunners are hungry. Feel not the sting of fear, but instead the song of victory.


The southern port of Senchal greets you. Those who would challenge our team, the New Gods, must show their worthiness to our ruler, King Bubba. We promise a quick and clean kill…


Be welcome in Rimmen, chosen in the Empire to hold the greatest team, the Crushers. Come and bid us to accept your challenge, for we have not spilled blood in a while…


Welcome to Torval, home of the finest southern wines. Be wary of our team, the Firedrakes however, those who have crossed their path have been in dire straits indeed…


Dune stands forever. Challenge if you dare, for we are the Blades, and we will defeat any who come to our door…


You who would enter Orcrest beware! Monsters abide within these walls. They are called the Silent Ones, and you would do best to travel elsewhere…


You have come to Riverhold, closest city-state to the Imperial Isle. Here waits the Axers, deadly foes who accept any who would dare challenge them…



Thou art welcome in Elinhir by [King Name], Guardian of the West. The Blackcasters name this home. Be cautious, lest ye draw their wrath upon thy heads…


The port city of Taneth welcomes thee unto its soil. [King Name] bids be not fearful of the Arena, but stand forward tall and proud, as our team the War Eagles do, for here they are home…


Weary traveler, thou art entering Sentinel, the holding of King Bubba and Guardian of Starfall Bay. Attend our team, the Deathbringers, and learn what it is to be warriors, for we stand alone…


Gilane, the southern port of Hammerfell, welcomes thee into its walls. [King Name] and the Dire Wolves stand ready for all who would test their mettle…


Know that we of Skaven welcome thee, for it is rare indeed to receive travelers brave enough to stand under the shadow of Fang Lair. Our team, the Guards, stand ready…


Welcome to Dragonstar, home of the Sacred Rage. We wish thee peace and rest in our city-state, but conduct thyselves honorably, or thou shalt answer to our champions…


Rihad, southern most port of Hammerfell, welcomes thee. Lay aside thy vice and avarice and enter these walls as nobles. Do not however seek to challenge the Bane, who call this home. We wish you only a long life and prosperity…


Hegathe and [King Name] bid you welcome, and good fortune. We are home to the Bloodhorns, and not a deadlier challenge wouldst thou face elsewhere…

High Rock


Northpoint and the Slayers hail thee, traveller. We wish you good fortune within our walls…


The Guardians of Daggerfall greet those search for rest, and challenge those who search for glory…


Shornhelm, Keeper of the Crypt of Hearts, welcomes all who find our walls upon their journey. May good fortune smile upon thee and may our team, the War Mages, be merciful…


Camlorn, Jewel of the West, greets thee weary traveller and bids thee welcome to our city-state. Know that we are home to the Dragons, and hold them as our champions…


The northern port of Farrun welcomes you into her icy hold. Feel not the bite of winter, nor the edge of the wind, but instead the cold steel of the Hellcats, as they perform their deadly dance…


We of Evermore welcome you into our walls. The War Knights reside here, and call this their home. Remember this, lest you forget who you face in the Arena…


The port city of Wayrest and the Highlanders hail all weary travelers who wish to rest. Find ye the strength within our walls to continue your journey, where ever that may be…


Welcome to Jehanna, a city as beautiful as her name. The Iceblades greet you, and wish you peace on your stay…



You enter Ebonheart, also known as the Black City. To the north you can see the red-orange glow of Dagoth Ur, the firecone on the Black Isle. The Reavers reside here. They have a reputation of being extremely ruthless…


Narsis weaves it web of sleep upon all those who enter, for the Dark Elves of Narsis discourage visitors. It seems however that you are unaffected. The Stormlords hold dominion over this city- state, and the wind seems to whisper their name…


Blacklight holds the northern tip of Morrowind, and to the east is Dagoth Ur in all its fiery glory. The Dark Knights fight for this city-state and seldom show mercy to their opponents…


Firewatch is the closest city-state to the firecone, Dagoth Ur. Legend has it that a great labyrinth resides under that fiery mountain. Here in this city however, the danger comes from the Blood Mages, who are old veterans of the Arena…


Necrom, eastern port of the Realm, and city-state of the Dark Heat. Necrom is known for two things, the ferocity of their Arenists, and the quality of their arms…


You enter Mournhold, lost city-state of the first empire. It is said that a great evil resides under this city, slowly driving its citizens mad. The Blade Dancers fight here, and it is said that none have ever seen the bodies of the slain after the Arena is over…


The southeastern port city of Tear is also known as the Jewel of the East, and home of the Immortals. Of all the city- states in Morrowind, Tear is most open to trade and commerce. Perhaps this is why few have complained about the strange happenings when night falls…


Kragenmoor holds the western border of Morrowind. Its team, the Warhammers, have enjoyed a unique reputation. Up till now they are the only ones to have successfully killed every opponent who has ever challenged them…




[King Name] bids you welcome to the arctic wastes of Solitude, the northern most city-state in the realm. We are home to the Ravagers. Beware our might…


[King Name] bids you welcome to the city- state which greets the sun as it begins its journey, Dawnstar. The Avengers stand victorious here. Challenge if you dare…


[King Name] welcomes you to Winterhold, home of the Annihilators. Let travelers find warmth within our walls, let challengers find us worthy…


[King Name] bids you enter Snowhawk, where the wind is as sharp as its talons and the Frost Demons are as fierce as their name…


Riften and [King Name] bids you welcome. We the Furies, call this our home. Let those who challenge be wary…


The city-state of Falcrenth bids you welcome, as does its ruler, [King Name]. We are home of the Dark Shadows, who have killed all who dared come against them…


The heart of Skyrim, Whiterun and King Bubba bid you welcome. For travelers we offer a place of rest, for challengers to our team, the Devastators, we offer the same…


Let all who enter Windhelm know of the Paladins, who fight all challengers for their sovereign [King Name]. Be not afraid, but instead enter bravely and die well…

Summurset Isle


You have entered the gates of Dusk, the High Elven city of Summurset. All who journey here for the challenge, know that our team, the Executioners, stand ready to meet you in battle…


Enter Sunhold and be welcome, for we and the Griffins wish all who come in peace a long and healthy life, and those who come in search of glory, a quick and merciful death…


Alinor, forest city of Summurset, welcomes you to our gates. Know that the Protectors hold this city, and will fight any who challenge to keep it…


None can match the beauty of Shimmerene, the city of lights. Be welcome and merry, for what is ours is yours. However, if you come to challenge tread lightly, the Titans do not take kindly to would be usurpers…


Welcome to Lillandril, the High Elven hold on the northern coasts of Summurset. The Crimson Guard fight here for honor and glory. Come, challenge if you dare…


When High Lord Torinaan came to this isle, our city sprang from his first step onto its rocky shores. Be welcome to First Hold, birthplace of the High Elves and home of the Reapers, who carry our honor…


Skywatch, northern city of Summurset, welcomes you to its gates. Enter in peace and feel our warmth, challenge and feel your blood run cold at the mention of our team, the Assassins, who will show no mercy…


We hold the Plains of Summurset, for we are the High Elves of Cloudrest. Never will you see more beauty than in our land, or more danger in our Arena, for here live the Gladiators, and they kill for pleasure…



You enter Eldenroot, center of the Elden Grove. The elves here seem friendly and you are hailed in welcome. You overhear that the city-state’s team, the Cavaliers, won last week in the Arena…


Perched on the edge of the great Elden Grove, Silvenar is a city-state of breath taking beauty. Tall minarets and spires worked out of marble rise out of the forest. Silvenar is home to the Rangers, a young team which has done well so far in the Arena…


The coastal city-state of Woodhearth is the departure point for those bound for Summurset Isle. The Wood Elves here are friendly and pleasant. The team that makes its home here is the Nomads, and they have strong ties to magic…


Falinesti lies near the coast on the northern region of Valenwood. To the north are the spines of the Dragon’s Teeth. The Wyverns have been the city- state’s team for the last three years running. Few dare to go against them…


Greenheart lies on the southern edge of the Elden Grove. Beautiful trees fill the city-state, making it seem more like a forest than a thriving metropolis. Here the Defenders have earned themselves the distinction of having the fastest win recorded in Arena history…


Named after the first king of the Wood Elves, Arenthia is regal in bearing and noble in stature. The city seems quiet and dignified, and the Huntsmen who fight for her are reputed to be honorable warriors and dangerous foes…


Haven lies on the southern edge of Valenwood. Her team, the Red Spears, are known and honored throughout the Realm as being one of the most experienced…


Southpoint is the southern most port city in Valenwood. The Chimeras make their home here and have, up till now, fought and defeated all challengers who have come to their gates…


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