Fable of the Indrik (Annotated)

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Librarian Note:

The red highlighted parts of this text appear here as they do in game.

A hunter traveled through green waters to the break of dawn, seeking a worthy quarry.

We’re in Tamriel, for certain. Greenwater Cove? Dawnbreak? It must be Auridon.

He came across the Lady, stone-still with skirts pooled around her.

A mundus stone. I know the one—on an island in a small pond south and across the river from that little mining settlement.

Something huddled behind her—a creature of hooves and feathers and bones of the earth. It barked and gave chase when he got too close. He chased it through mud and brush and down into the earth, by amber light of culanda in gleaming halls of moon-gray stone.

The beast must be an Indrik. “Moon-gray” suggests the ruins of Ondil.

The long-legged creature shed its even longer shadow, leaving it to do battle with the hunter. The two met again among ruins of an isle brought low from the weight of a once-mighty tower. All that remained was a well of starlight at its center.

Buraniim, on the east coast. No tower, but there is an ancient well of power there.

The creature did not run, but considered the hunter as he approached.

“Why did you chase me?” asked the creature.

“I sought a worthy quarry,” answered the hunter.

“I was feeble and new to this world,” said the creature. “Small and weak.”

“I would lose my sharpness in waiting for you to grow. And you had sense enough to run,” said the hunter. “What use would that gift be if none ever chased you?”

“Drink of this well with me,” said the creature.

“We were both made stronger by your pursuit.”

The two foes bent their heads and drank of the well of starlight. Rejuvenated, they raised their heads as friends and ran again, dashing over the river, splashing through the Lady’s skirts, stopping on a high overlook jutting out to the sea.

Consulted my map. This must not have been an island when the fable was written. Now, it’s home to a lighthouse on the southwest coast of Auridon. I hope the door is still there.

What a difference it made, thought the hunter as he stepped into the creature’s glade, keeping stride with another rather than following in their wake.

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