TES3 Morrowind: Erabenimsun Tribe

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“You are the outlander who claims to fulfill the Nerevarine prophecies. What do you want?”

:Nerevarine prophecies:
“Nobody cares about that. You just make us tired. Go away.”

Faern Sargtlin

(enter Wise Woman’s Yurt)


“Yes, outlander? Do you need my services? Or do you seek my counsel?”

“I warn you. Be wary of Ashkhan Ulath-Pal and his supporters. They all hate Outlanders, and love nothing more than to kill them and loot them. They do not respect custom or hospitality, and they think nothing of killing unarmed men, women, or children. They are bad men, and bad leaders, and you should fear them.”

:Nerevarine prophecies:
“You wish to be named Erabenimsun Nerevarine? Never. Not while Ashkhan Ulath-Pal and his war-loving Erabenimsun live. They all hate Outlanders, and are proud and haughty, and will never suffer an Outlander to rule them. If you would be Nerevarine of the Erabenimsun, you must kill Ulath-Pal and his supporters, the gulakhans Ahaz, Ranabi, and Ashu-Ahhe. Then you must help me make peace-loving Erabenimsun Gulakhan Han-Ammu our ashkhan. Ashkhan Han-Ammu could then name you Nerevarine Erabenimsun.”

“But before anything else can be done, you must first eliminate Ulath-Pal and his supporters. Then you should come speak with me, and we will discuss further how you might be named Erabenimsun Nerevarine.”

:war-loving Erabenimsun:
“Under the previous ashkhan, Han-Ammu’s father, Airan-Ammu, the Erabenimsun grew bold and arrogant, confident in their strength of arms. Now Ashkhan Ulath-Pal and his champions have become cruel and violent, and our people live in fear. I am of the peace-loving Erabenimsun, and I wish that Airan-Ammu’s son, Han Ammu, might become our new ashkhan. But we are weak, and Han-Ammu could never challenge Ulath-Pal, let alone all his supporters.”

:peace-loving Erabenimsun:
“I am of the peace-loving Erabenimsun. We only wish to live and hunt as we have in the past, and do not wish to anger our neighbors by raiding and warfare. But Ashkhan Ulath-Pal and his supporters are strong and sure of themselves. They have grown rich by raiding and fighting, and they will not be ruled by the counsel of their wise woman.”

“Ulath-Pal is always in his yurt, protected by his bodyguard, Gulakhan Ahaz. I am just a weak woman, and I am sure you would know best, but I would kill Ahaz first, the weaker of the two, and if I had secret magics and powers, I would use them to preserve me while I defend against two enemies at once.”

“Ahaz is Ulath-Pal’s faithful bodyguard. He is not so strong or skilled as Ashu-Ahhe. But wherever you see Ulath-Pal, you will also see Ahaz. If you fight Ulath-Pal, you must also fight Ahaz.”

“Ashu-Ahhe is a great fighter — the most strong and experienced of the Erabenimsun. He wears enchanted armor, and boasts that none of the Erabenimsun can defeat him — not even Ulath-Pal.”

“Ranabi is mean and solitary. He is cunning, but he relies too much on the power of his ancestor’s enchantments. He is not so strong, but beware — he bears a poisoned blade.”

“Han-Ammu is the son of our former chief, Airan-Ammu, but he is nothing like his father. His birth gives him a strong claim to lead the tribe, but of the many virtues required by an ashkhan, he lacks only three things: strength, courage, and wisdom.”

“If you would fight Ashkhan Ulath-Pal and his supporters, know your enemy, and come prepared. His supporters are the gulakhans Ahaz, Ranabi, and Ashu-Ahhe. They are the strongest of the fighting Erabenimsun. Perhaps you could defeat Ranabi and Ashu-Ahhe in single combat. But, unless you have hidden skills and resources, or you are a mighty sorcerer or enchanter, I don’t know how you could defeat Ulath-Pal and his bodyguard, Ahaz.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Han-Ammu’s Yurt)


“I don’t care. I don’t want to be a gulakhan, anyway.”

“I don’t want to be a gulakhan. I’m not good at fighting. And no one likes me, anyway. I can’t make anyone do anything. I just want everyone to leave me alone.”

Faern Sargtlin

(talk again to Han-Ammu)


“No matter what Manirai says, I’m not interested. You’re just going to get me killed.”

:get me killed:
“They only made me a gulakhan because my father was a gulakhan. And I hated my father. He was a stupid brute, and a bully. But Ulath-Pal and the other gulakhans would kill me in a minute if they thought I wanted to be ashkhan.”

:what Manirai says:
“No matter what Manirai says, I don’t want to be ashkhan. Ulath-Pal and his supporters would kill me in a moment. They only let me live because they despise me. If they thought someone could use me to steal control of the tribe, they’d kill me in an instant.”

:want to be ashkhan:
“Please! I don’t WANT to be ashkhan. Don’t you understand? I won’t be any good at it. I am going to be a complete failure, and everyone will hate me even more than they do now. PLEASE! I just want to be left alone!”

:Nerevarine prophecies:
“But why tell me? I am not ashkhan. I can do nothing. And Ulath-Pal and his supporters would slash my face and kick me to death if I did not do as they say.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go to each war-loving Erabenimsun, and slay them all)
(loot “Robe of Erur-Dan the Wise” from Ranabi)
(loot “Sanit-Kil’s Heart of Fire” from Ahaz)
(loot “War Axe of Airan Ammu” from Ulath-Pal)
(go back to Wise Woman)


“Yes, outlander? Do you need my services? Or do you seek my counsel?”

“Now, with Ashkhan Ulath-Pal and his supporters dead, we may consider the Nerevarine prophecies and how you might be named Erabenimsun Nerevarine.”

:peace-loving Erabenimsun:
“You have defeated the war-loving Erabenimsun, and the peace-loving Erabenimsun rule our tribe. But now we have no ashkhan, and I fear we will suffer from the attacks of outcast Ashlanders. You must persuade Han-Ammu to become our ashkhan.”

“If you hope to persuade Han-Ammu to become ashkhan, you must find some way to give him strength, willpower, and intelligence. Han-Ammu is unpopular with the tribe, and he knows it. But if he bore tokens recognized by all the tribe as conferring strength, willpower, and intelligence, it would give him the confidence to accept the responsibilities of tribe leadership.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Han-Ammu)


“No matter what Manirai says, I’m not interested. I don’t want to be ashkhan.”

:want to be ashkhan:
“Yes. I recognize it. Ranabi wore that robe, the Robe of Erur-Dan the Wise. It was handed down to Ranabi through his family. But what has that to do with my wanting to be ashkhan?”

Faern Sargtlin

Give Robe of Erur-Dan the Wise and make a little speech.


:want to be ashkhan:
“Thank you. Your lesson is clear. It is the robe that gives wisdom in counsel, and it is the idea of the robe that gives confidence to the tribe, but it is the ashkhan who wears the robe, the ashkhan who accepts responsibility for the safety of the tribe, who holds the fate of the tribe in his hands. This is a sobering lesson, and I must give it thought.”

“Yes. I recognize it. Ahaz wore that amulet, Sanit-Kil’s Heart of Fire. Ahaz had it from his father, and Ahaz’s father had it from Kinitu Nila, and Kinitu Nila had it from Sanit-Kil, a great witch-warrior. But what has that to do with my wanting to be ashkhan?”

Faern Sargtlin

Give Sanit-Kil’s Heart of Fire and make a little speech.


:want to be ashkhan:
“Thank you. Your lesson is clear. It is the amulet that gives courage in battle, and it is the idea of the amulet that gives confidence to the tribe, but it is the ashkhan who wears the amulet, the ashkhan who accepts responsibility for the safety of the tribe, who holds the fate of the tribe in his hands. This is a sobering lesson, and I must give it thought.”

“Yes. I recognize it. It is the war axe of my father, the War Axe of Airan-Ammu. Ulath-Pal had it from my father, and carried it as ashkhan. But what has that to do with my wanting to be ashkhan?”

Faern Sargtlin

Give the Axe of Airan-Ammu and make a little speech.


:want to be ashkhan:
“Thank you. Your lesson is clear. It is the axe that gives strength in war, and it is the idea of the axe that gives confidence to the tribe, but it is the ashkhan who bears the axe, the ashkhan who accepts responsibility for the safety of the tribe, who holds the fate of the tribe in his hands. Now, with Ulath-Pal dead, I hold the fate of the tribe in my hands, and I must accept that responsibility. Thank you for your lesson. I shall be Ashkhan of the Erabinimsun. And I shall name you Nerevarine.”

:name you Nerevarine:
“Thank you, Faern Sargtlin. I promise that, as ashkhan, I shall do my best to amend the dark reputation of the Erabenimsun. And as my first action as chief, I now name you Erabenimsun Nerevarine, Champion of the Erabenimsun, and Protector of the People. You must also go to wise woman Manirai and get from her the Seizing of the Erabenimsun, an enchanted heirloom of the tribe, which shall be a sign to all Dunmer that the Erabenimsun have named you Nerevarine.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Wise Woman)


“You have persuaded Han-Ammu to be our ashkhan? And to name you Erabenimsun Nerevarine? Then I must give you the Seizing of the Erabenimsun.”

:Nerevarine prophecies:
“So Han-Ammu has accepted his responsibilities as ashkhan, and has named you Erabenimsun Nerevarine. Congratulations. And I must also give you the Seizing of the Erabenimsun, a tribal heirloom that ought to be held by our chosen champion as a token that we have named you Nerevarine.”

:Seizing of the Erabenimsun:
“Here. Take this enchanted token of the Erabenimsun, that all may know that we have named you Nerevarine and Champion.”

Faern Sargtlin

(receive The Seizing of the Erabenimsun)


:peace-loving Erabenimsun:
“Now that we have an ashkhan, perhaps the peace-loving Erabenimsun can grow to be a prosperous tribe again. With my counsel, perhaps Han-Ammu will grow to be a strong, wise leader like his father.”

“I have no counsel, Nerevarine. We are both traveling in the dark.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go back to Urshilaku Camp)

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