TES3 Tribunal: The End of Times Cult

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“Greetings, Faern Sargtlin. It is good to see you again. Dear Fedris has told me more about your work so far here in Mournhold. He suggested I might find your services useful. After some consideration, I have decided that there may be a task for you to complete.”

“Since the horrendous attack on the city, there have been some alarming developments. One of the most troublesome has been a cult that has recently formed, led by a young Dunmer named Eno Romari. They call themselves the End of Times. In these troubled times, I fear the cult is gaining in popularity.”

:Eno Romari:
“The leader of this little cult. He resides in Mournhold, though he is not known to have a permanent residence. He is dangerous, Faern Sargtlin, as he spreads discontent among my people. He is not to be killed, though. I want no martyrs to this madman’s cause.”

:End of Times:
“Very little is known about them yet, but there is one very disturbing fact we have learned: many of their members have been found dead.”

:found dead:
“At least seven of them have been found so far. All dead, all in their homes. It appears they ingested a strong poison, and not even my magicks could revive those who were found. We must find out what drives this group, and rid my city of their presence. Speak with Meralyn Othan at the Great Bazaar; her brother Sevil was one of those found. Learn what you can about them, Faern Sargtlin, and of this Eno Romari. Take care with him, though. The words of a martyr cry louder than those of a zealot.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Great Bazaar)


Meralyn Othan

“Greetings. How may I help you?”

“You’ve heard about my brother? It’s hard to imagine he’s gone. All would be well if he hadn’t fallen in with Eno Romari and those End of Times lunatics. Sevil was a lonely man, a bit lost, but he was hardly stupid. It was that cult that caused his death!”

:End of Times:
“They are a suicide cult, plain and simple. Their beliefs are destructive, heretical, and frightening to me. I don’t know how my brother ever got involved with them! I’m beginning to see them all over the city, but you’ll most often find them in Godsreach, outside the Winged Guar.”

“They preach that the Tribunal have lost their powers, and that this is a signal that the apocalypse is near. Eno Romari teaches his followers that our time in Tamriel is at an end, and the gates of Oblivion will soon open and the daedra will walk the land. Only the ancestors who have already left this world will remain once the daedric scourge covers the earth. And so he promotes what he calls “the Cleansing.””

:the Cleansing:
“It is a ritual suicide, Faern Sargtlin. My brother was no fool, but he was a trusting person, always looking for someone or something to believe in. He thought he had found that in the End of Times.”

:Eno Romari:
“A lunatic, Faern Sargtlin. You’ll often find him outside the Winged Guar, spouting his nonsense to passersby, and to the drunks stumbling out of the tavern.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Godsreach)


Faern Sargtlin

(locate Eno Romari, and talk to him)

Eno Romari

“My greetings and blessings upon you. I am Eno Romari. How may I help you in your journey through this life?”

:End of Times:
“We are a peaceful group, dedicated to relieving the suffering all are feeling in these troubled times. I teach my followers the way to enlightenment, through understanding of what is happening in our world and what is to come in the next. All of my people know the importance of preparedness for the coming troubles, and many are willing to make great sacrifice for our cause.”

“Our beliefs are very simple, dear friend. The blessed Tribunal, though once filled with glory, are no longer the gods they once were. As with the tides and Tamriel’s moons, all cosmic powers will wax and wane. But, when gods die, it creates ripples throughout the lands. The passing of the Three will be a prelude to the end of this era, and the beginning of the next. The followers of the End of Times are making ourselves ready for this to happen.”

:making ourselves ready:
“We realize that the end of the era will bring many changes. We believe that the gates of Oblivion will open, and the multitude of daedra will roam this world freely. Some might tell you that this is a good thing, that we are descended from the daedra and it will be a return to the natural order of things. I know differently, though. The coming age will be a time of great horror.”

:great horror:
“The Daedra Princes are not our ancestors. Nor are they our allies. They will wash over the land, destroying all that man and mer have built over these thousands of years. The only protection from this scourge will be our true ancestors that have gone before us and watch over us even now. Many of our followers choose to participate in the Cleansing, to prepare the way for the rest of us. It is a sacrifice to be sure, but it is for the greater good.”

:the Cleansing:
“It is a glorious ritual, friend Faern Sargtlin. Our followers cleanse themselves of all of their troubles, all of their burdens here on this earth. They send themselves ahead to the ancestors, spreading our word, making ready for when we shall all join them in our fight against the daedric hordes.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go back to Almalexia)



“What have you learned about this End of Times cult and their beliefs? Have you served me well in gathering this information?”

:End of Times:
“A suicide cult? In my city? What have you learned about their beliefs?”

“They would dare…? So, the Tribunal has lost its power, has it? These fools would dare question Almalexia’s power, here in her city! I will give them a lesson in power, Faern Sargtlin, and you will be my agent.”

:lesson in power:
“These fools must be reminded of the true power of a god. Since the attack on the city, much of my own power has been spent caring for my people. The number of wounded has been astronomical, and caring for them all has been taxing to even me. Still, I must demonstrate to these people what it is to mock the will of a god. You will travel to the ruins of Bamz-Amschend and activate the Karstangz-Bcharn.”

“Loosely translated: the Weather Witch. At its height, the Dwemer civilization was masterful in the use of machinery. In a time of drought, Dwemer scholars were commissioned to create a machine that would bring rain to their lands. They created the Karstangz-Bcharn. Its existence was little more than a myth until recently, when the ruins opened beneath my city. I wish for you to activate the machine, make it to create ashstorms in Mournhold. Then, these heretics will know the power of Almalexia!”

:Ashstorms in Mournhold:
“That’s correct. While these storms may be common on the island of Vvardenfell, they do not occur here, so far removed from the Red Mountain. Now, though, they will, and these heretics will understand the power of the Tribunal. The power of Almalexia! Take this, and use it to activate the machine. You will have to divine its workings on your own, Faern Sargtlin, but I believe you are up to the task.”

Faern Sargtlin

(receive Powered Dwemer Coherer)
(go down to Bamz-Amschend)
(manage the way into Skybreak Gallery)


Faern Sargtlin

(put the Powered Dwemer Coherer in the dwemeri machine)
(notice that now the machine is powered up)
(the levers in the middle platform can be used to move the metal screen with picture left or right)
(arrange the levers so the picture that an erupted volcano is showed)
(go back up to Mournhold)


Faern Sargtlin

(witness that the ash storm is raging in the Mournhold sky)
(go back to Almalexia)



“In My wisdom I have sent you to activate the Karstangz-Bcharn. Tell me you have accomplished this task for your goddess.”

“Well done, Faern Sargtlin. This is the effect I was looking for! Ashstorms in Mournhold! My magic will prevent anyone from further tampering with this machine. You will, of course, keep silent about this. My powers are a bit drained, mortal…they are not gone. My ordinators will take care of the remains of this End of Times cult and their leader. You have done well.”

Faern Sargtlin

(go to see the effect of the weather to Mournhold)


Venasa Sarano

“I can’t believe these ashstorms! I’ve heard of them on the island, but not here in Mournhold! Why does this keep happening?”

Faern Sargtlin

(notice a person wearing Her Hands armor)

Salas Valor

“I do not want company. Go away.”

:splendid armor:
“Do not mock me. I said… I do not want company. Go away.”

Faern Sargtlin

“Are you an Ordinator?”

Salas Valor

:splendid armor:
“HAH! What gods-forsaken part of the world do you come from, that you do not recognize the armor of Almalexia’s Hands — the armor of Her most loyal and trusted guards and followers? Come! Look closely! It is glorious armor, isn’t it? And how glorious it is to be one of Her Hands. Yes. I was one of Her Hands. Once. But no more.”

:Her Hands:
“I was one of Her Hands. I served her well and faithfully. But she has changed. Once she showered her love on everyone, and it was impossible not to want to love her, to serve her, in turn. But now the only thing she loves is power — her own power. That’s all she thinks about. She doesn’t notice anything else… anyone else. I don’t know what happened. But I will never go back. Never.”

Faern Sargtlin

(talk to Eno Romari)

Eno Romari

“This weather is unbelievable. What can it mean? This isn’t supposed to happen here! Not again!”

:End of Times:
“The goddess has created these storms to teach my group true power? They will come to me in droves! This madness is surely another sign of the troubles to come. Take care, Faern Sargtlin. You have been warned.”

Faern Sargtlin

(see that the people are terrified, and Mournhold is dying in the storm)
(go back to Almalexia to warn her about this)

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