TES1 Arena: Ebony Mail

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The Ebony Mail is an artifact created before recorded history, according to legend, by the Dark Elven goddess Boethiah. It is she who determines who should possess the Mail and for how long a time. If judged worthy, its power grants the wearer invulnerability to all common magical attacks that drain talents and health. It is Boethiah alone who determines when a person is ineligible to bear the Ebony Mail any longer, and the goddess can be very capricious…


If you have aspirations toward going far, %pcf, you need to talk to a man I know who has information about getting the Ebony Mail. Go a bit [direction] to the [tavern name] if you want to see him, but remember to bring plenty of gold. He's not giving it away for nothing, that's for certain.

[exclamation], I know about something you'd be interested in, young [race]. Over to the [direction] in an inn called the [tavern name], you'll find a gentleman with a certain inside story about the Ebony Mail. I'm sure you've heard about the Mail? Makes you tougher than a troll, stronger, faster. Might have some use, you know?

Now, keep this under your hat, [race], but I know someone who knows how to get the Ebony Mail, really I do. He's [direction] of here in the [tavern name]. If I were you, I get all the gold I have for payment and get there right away, before all the battle-hardies of [city name] and [city name]2 are at the [tavern name] looking for this guy.

Good news travels fast, eh, [race]? I was wondering how long it would take before every adventurer in [province] showed up to beg me to tell them the location of the Ebony Mail. Who wouldn't want to wear armor that makes you gives you such power, power no spell can take away from you? Well, you can bet I'm not going to divulge my secret for free. My current price is [amount] gold pieces. Take it or leave it.

You're not the first person to come here asking about the Ebony Mail, he says. Lots of people like the idea of getting a legendary item that gives them such power, but few have even almost the [amount] gold pieces I need to tell the secret location. Do you have it?

You can call me [Name], [race]. I'm the one who knows how to find the Ebony Mail, the lost armor of the Drow that could make even you a hero. Right now, I'm asking for [amount] gold for my information – a preposterously low price, but still more than most people in the [tavern name] are able to pay, it seems.

Tavern Encounters

“Good news travels fast, eh, [race]?” The brawny man on the next chair looks at you humorlessly. “I was wondering how long it would take before every adventurer in [province] showed up to beg me to tell them the location of the Ebony Mail. Who wouldn't want to wear armor that makes you gives you such power, power no spell can take away from you? Well, you can bet I'm not going to divulge my secret for free. My current price is [amount] gold pieces. Take it or leave it.” “Hey, [Name]!” the innkeeper yells, “This [race] wants to talk to you about the Ebony Mail!”

You are joined by a sober young man. “You're not the first person to come here asking about the Ebony Mail,” he says. “Lots of people like the idea of getting a legendary item that gives them such power, but few have even almost the [amount] gold pieces I need to tell the secret location. Do you have it?”

A distinguished-looking man two seats away from you at the bar rises and joins you, his voice a low growl. “You can call me [Name], [race]. I'm the one who knows how to find the Ebony Mail, the lost armor of the Drow that could make even you a hero. Right now, I'm asking for [amount] gold for my information – a preposterously low price, but still more than most people in the [tavern name] are able to pay, it seems.”


“Exactly what I hoped you'd say. The bad news is you'll have to go to Black Marsh to find the Mail, to a nasty little place called the [dungeon name]. There lies the map to the spirit-forsaken dungeon holding the Ebony Mail. You'll find that the map points out the place where the Dark Elven goddess Boethiah hid the Mail after she took it from Helath Stormbinder, a warrior she no longer favored. Rather like Kynareth and Morihaus, but that's another story. I will inscribe the location of the [dungeon name] onto your map of the continent. The map that will lead you to the Ebony Mail lies there. I doubt if Boethiah even cares after all this time, but I'll wish you luck anyhow. Goodbye.”


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