TES1 Arena: Ebony Blade

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The Ebony Blade, sometimes called the Vampire or the Leech, resembles an ebony katana, but its power is very dark indeed. Every time the Ebony Blade strikes an opponent, part of the damage inflicted flows into the wielder as raw power. The Blade itself may not be any more evil than those who have used it, but at some point in its long existence, a charm was cast on it so it would not remain with one bladesman. The wizard who cast this charm sought to save the souls of any too infatuated by the Blade, and perhaps he was right…


The moral climate of the %ct is plunging, I tell you. I was just solicited in a reputable tavern [direction] of here, the [tavern name], by a scary-looking fellow who offered to sell me information concerning the Ebony Blade. When I asked him what the Ebony Blade is, he said it's this sword that gives the wielder the victim's strength, sort of like a vampire! Can you imagine? [exclamation]!

Well, do you want to hear a sign of the times? There's a gentleman over at the [tavern name], that's a good-sized tavern to the [direction], who says he knows where the map leading to the Ebony Blade is. If he really does, that's the sort of information one would only sell to the richest city-state Kings or the Emperor. But here he is in a [city name] inn, practically giving it away.

[exclamation], I know where you need to be, [race]. There's a tavern a bit [direction] by name of the [tavern name] where you'll find a peculiar character selling information about the Ebony Blade. It is said that he who wields the Blade grows mightier each time his foe grows weaker. Might be a nice thing to have if you're anticipating a fight, eh?

#0228 Watch your tongue, foolish [race]. Many have been murdered merely for mentioning the Blade, and, according to some, their souls have been forever damned. If you are willing risk the odds and become the new possessor of the Ebony Blade, I can tell you all you need to know about recovering it. The current price for information is [amount] gold. Do we have a deal?

I think we can help each other, young [race]. I'm [Name], and I happen to know how to find the Ebony Blade itself, the sword that can give the wielder all the energy it sucked from its victim. Not very pretty, but perfect for frequent combatants. You can help me by giving me [amount] gold pieces. I find myself penniless here in [city name] and I'm used to living better. Are we agreed, my friend?

The Ebony Blade? Call me [Name]. I know of this sword that draws your curiousity. Maybe you've heard that it called the Leech or the Vampire, for every time its wielder's enemies are hurt, he grows stronger. Perhaps that's morally wrong, perhaps not. I can tell you how to find where this wicked blade is hidden, but it will cost you [amount] gold. Do you agree to pay this?

Tavern Encounters

“Watch your tongue, foolish [race],” growls the man next to you, barely looking into your face. “Many have been murdered merely for mentioning the Blade, and, according to some, their souls have been forever damned. If you are willing risk the odds and become the new possessor of the Ebony Blade, I can tell you all you need to know about recovering it. The current price for information is [amount] gold. Do we have a deal?” “I think we can help each other, young [race].”

A young man comes up from behind you. “I'm [Name], and I happen to know how to find the Ebony Blade itself, the sword that can give the wielder all the energy it sucked from its victim. Not very pretty, but perfect for frequent combatants. You can help me by giving me [amount] gold pieces. I find myself penniless here in [city name] and I'm used to living better. Are we agreed, my friend?”

“The Ebony Blade?” You are approached by a gentleman, his voice unconnected, much older than his face. He shakes your hand. “Call me [Name]. I know of this sword that draws your curiousity. Maybe you've heard that it called the Leech or the Vampire, for every time its wielder's enemies are hurt, he grows stronger. Perhaps that's morally wrong, perhaps not. I can tell you how to find where this wicked blade is hidden, but it will cost you [amount] gold. Do you agree to pay this?”


“You seek a dire weapon indeed, [race]. The Ebony Blade sucks the very soul from a person, transfering that lifeforce to you. I think you will be consigning your everlasting soul to oblivion. It is your choice however. The map to the Ebony Blade can be found in a place called the [dungeon name]. I have inscribed its location onto your map of the continent. I wish you well on your quest. If you find this map, it will lead you the Ebony Blade. Good luck, [race]. You'll need it…”


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