TES4 Oblivion: Deliver the Amulet

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After a considerable treck, the player arrives at Weynon Priory. They head inside the main building approach Brother Piner. Piner’s dialogue differs depending on the time of day and location that the player approaches him. Since the information remains the same, we’ve only documented one path here.


Welcome, good citizen. I’m brother Piner, and this is Weynon Priory. A monastery. Can I help you?


Where is Jauffre?


Oh. Yes. He’ll be in the Priory House somewhere.


The player heads upstairs and finds Jauffre reading at his table.


I’m Brother Jauffre. What do you want?


The Emperor sent me to find you. I brought you the Amulet of Kings.


This cannot be. No one but the Emperor is permitted to handle the Amulet. Let me see it.


I was there when he died. He gave me the Amulet of Kings.


You brought me the Amulet of Kings? You better explain yourself now.


They give Jauffre the Amulet.


By the Nine! This IS the Amulet of Kings! Who are you? How did you get this? What do you know of the Emperor’s death?


The player tells Jauffre the Emperor’s last words.


As unlikely as your story seems, I believe you. Only the strange destiny of Uriel Septim could have brought you to me carrying the Amulet of Kings.


Who is the Prince of Destruction?


The Prince of Destruction he referred to is none other than Mehrunes Dagon, one of the lords of the demonic world of Oblivion. He was involved with Jagar Tharn’s plot against the empire years ago. It doesn’t surprise me to find his hand in the current calamity. The Emperor’s words– “Close shut the jaws of Oblivion” – certainly suggest that he perceived some threat from Oblivion. But all the scholars agree that the mortal world is protected from the daedra of Oblivion by magical barriers.


“Close shut the jaws of Oblivion”…?


His meaning is unclear to me as well. The Emperor seemed to perceive some threat from the demonic world of Oblivion. The Prince of Destruction, Mehrunes Dagon, is one of the lords of Oblivion. But the mortal world is protected from the daedra of Oblivion by magical barriers.


How can Oblivion threaten us, then?


I’m not sure. Only the Emperors truly understand the meaning behind the rituals of coronation. The Amulet of Kings is ancient. Saint Alessia herself received it from the gods. It is a holy relic of great power. When an Emperor is crowned, he uses the Amulet to light the Dragonfires at the Temple of the One in the Imperial City. With the Emperor dead and no new heir crowned, the Dragonfires in the Temple will be dark, for the first time in centuries. It may be that the Dragonfires protected us from a threat that only the Emperor was aware of.

I found Jauffre and gave him the Amulet of Kings. The Emperor’s words to me filled him with foreboding. Mehrunes Dagon, the Lord of Destruction, is one of the princes of Oblivion, the demonic world. Jauffre fears that with no Emperor on the throne, the daedra from Oblivion may be able to invade our world.


The Emperor asked me to find his son.


I am one of the few who know of his existence. Many years ago, I served as captain of Uriel’s bodyguards, the Blades. One night Uriel called me in his private chambers. A baby boy lay sleeping in a basket. Uriel told me to deliver him somewhere safe. He never told me anything else about the baby, but I knew it was his son. From time to time he would ask about the child’s progress. Now, it seems that this illegitimate son is the heir to the Septim Throne. If he yet lives.


Where can I find Uriel’s son?


His name is Martin. He serves Akatosh in the Chapel in the city of Kvatch, south of here, mever knew that he was Uriel Septim’s son. You need to find him at once and bring him safely back here. You must go to Kvatch and find him at once. If the enemy is aware of his existence, as seems likely, he is in terrible danger. And please, let me know if there’s anything you need. My resources here are limited, but I will help in any way I can.


…and the Amulet of Kings?


It will be safest here with me. When you return with Martin, we will figure out our next move.

Jauffre told me that the Emperor has an illegitimate son named Martin who is currently serving as a priest in the Chapel of Akatosh in the city of Kvatch. I must proceed to Kvatch at once and bring Martin safely back to Weynon Priory.


Tell me more about the Dragonfires.


The coronation of each new Emperor is sealed when he uses the Amulet of Kings to light the Dragonfires in the Temple of the One. The Dragonfires of Akatosh remain lit until the death of the Emperor. His successor then lights them anew upon ascending to the throne. With Emperor Uriel dead and no successor crowned, the Temple of the One will be dark for the first time in centuries.


So who rules the Empire right now?


The Elder Council rules in the Emperor’s absence, by ancient tradition. Chancellor Ocato heads the Elder Council and is the closest thing the Empire has to a leader right now. But the Blades answer only to the Emperor, of course. We are not an arm of the government.


So you actually are the Grandmaster of the Blades?


Yes, Baurus told you right. I am the Grandmaster of the Blades. We serve the Emperor and the Septim bloodline. Talos is our patron. You wonder to find me here? Discretion is our watchword. Only a few of us have the honor to serve publicly in the Imperial Guard.


Baurus is a good body guard.


And one of the youngest Blades ever to serve in the Emperor’s personal guard. I am glad to hear that he survived, but I fear he will take the Emperor’s death particularly hard.


What kind of assistance can you give me?


I keep a few things here in my chest to resupply traveling Blades. Help yourself to whatever you need.

Jauffre gets up and unlocks the chest.


After stocking up on some supplies, they go to speak with Brother Piner.


What can I do for you?


Tell me about the Blades.


The Blades are closely linked to the Order of Talos. We both serve Talos, of course, and many of our brothers are former Blades. I myself was training as a Blade when I received the call to serve Talos in a different way.

It isn’t widely known, but many brothers of the Order of Talos are also members of the Blades. Chapterhouses of the Order, like Weynon Priory, provide safehouses for traveling Blades as well as our more public religious functions. Blades who are too old for active service often join the Order as lay brothers. We are honored to have Grandmaster Jauffre, or Brother Jauffre as he prefers, as a resident here.


What kind of assistance can you give me?


Here. Perhaps you will find this useful. One of the books I saved from my Blades training. You go into danger. Jauffre didn’t tell us any more than that, but know that our prayers go with you.

He hands the player a copy of “The Warp in the West.”


Having exhausted the conversation at the priory, the player travels to Kvatch.

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