TES3 Bloodmoon: Defend The Totem (Side with Hircine)

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Faern Sargtlin

(decide to keep the disease)
(on the third day, turn to werewolf form)

The beast within you hungers for flesh. You must feed soon.

(find a victim and devour him)

The flesh and blood of your prey has strengthened you for another night.

(in the morning turn back to human form)
(take a rest and get a dream)


Your master has a task for you my hound.
In the Tombs of Skaalara lies the Totem of Claw and Fang.
There I wish it to remain.
When the Skaal come for it, hunt them down, kill them all and protect the Totem.

Faern Sargtlin

(go to the Tombs of Skaalara)
(slay all the Nordic Hunters)
(in the morning turn back to human form)
(take a rest and get another dream)


You have performed well, hound.
The Totem is undisturbed for now, and your master is pleased.
I grant you this rune to aid you in your hunt.
Your claws are now as sharp as the edge of my spear.
Let all how would stand before you feel their edge.
We will speak again.

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