TES1 Arena: Chrysamere

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Chrysamere, the Paladin's Blade and Sword of Heroes, is an ancient claymore with offensive capabilities only surpassed by its defenses. It lends the wielder health, protects him or her from fire, and reflects any deletory spells cast against the wielder back to the caster. Seldom has Chrysamere been wielded by any bladesman for any length of time, for it chooses not to favor one champion.


There's yet another rumor going around about Chrysamere, you know, the Paladin's Blade. Well, this guy at the [tavern name], a little tavern just [direction] of here, is telling everyone he has information about where Chrysamere is. He sounded sincere, I guess. Maybe if I had the gold to pay for the information, I'd go after Chrysamere myself.

You've heard of the Chrysamere Blade, of course? Who hasn't? Well, some shadylooking character [direction] of here at the [tavern name] is saying he'll sell information regarding its location for a price. Apparently, his price is pretty steep. If you've got the money and the inclination, you should pay a visit to the [tavern name].

Nothing much. Some drunk's offering to sell what he knows about the location of Chrysamere at the [tavern name] [direction] of here, as if he'd really know where the Paladin's Blade is. And he has the nerve to ask for hundreds of gold pieces in exchange. Maybe it's true, I don't know. If you're the trusting sort, you might want to visit the [tavern name].

I am [Name], and I know how to find the holy Sword of the Paladin, Chrysamere. I'm a businessman and my information doesn't exactly come cheap, [race]. You'll know everything I know about Chrysamere for [amount] gold pieces. Are we agreed on price?

Good [race], allow me to introduce myself, [Name] at your service. I couldn't help overhearing your mention of the Blade of Blades, the Sword of the Paladin, Chrysamere. As a matter of fact, I happen to know where the map to Chrysamere's most recent hiding place has been all this time. I just turned down a chap willing to pay [amount] gold for my information, but for you, I think I'd agree to that price. Do we have a deal?

Perhaps it is not so wise to mention Chrysamere so brazenly. There are few who would not kill to gain the information I have on its wherebouts. I could guide you on your way to recover the Sword of the Paladin, but not for less than [amount] gold pieces – not an unfair price, I think you agree. Are you prepared to pay that much?

Tavern Encounters

“Keep your voice down,” a sinister figure grips you by the arm. “I am [Name], and I know how to find the holy Sword of the Paladin, Chrysamere. I'm a businessman and my information doesn't exactly come cheap, [race]. You'll know everything I know about Chrysamere for [amount] gold pieces. Are we agreed on price?”

Upon mentioning the sword Chrysamere, you are immediately joined by a young man. “Good [race], allow me to introduce myself, [Name] at your service. I couldn't help overhearing your mention of the Blade of Blades, the Sword of the Paladin, Chrysamere. As a matter of fact, I happen to know where the map to Chrysamere's most recent hiding place has been all this time. I just turned down a chap willing to pay [amount] gold for my information, but for you, I think I'd agree to that price. Do we have a deal?”

A cloaked figure appears at your side. He speaks in a low whisper. “Perhaps it is not so wise to mention Chrysamere so brazenly. There are few who would not kill to gain the information I have on its wherebouts. I could guide you on your way to recover the Sword of the Paladin, but not for less than [amount] gold pieces – not an unfair price, I think you agree. Are you prepared to pay that much?”


“I knew the moment you walked in, we'd make a good deal. My information comes from my brother, a scribe in Alabaster, a port city in Elsweyr. He does occasional work with the archivists of the city. A rumor grew that Chrysamere, the Sword of Heroes, had resurfaced into the known world. He delved deeper and found that it had indeed risen again. The location was said to be inscribed on a tablet in a place called the [dungeon name]. I have inscribed the location of that tablet on your map of the continent. Neither my brother or I care much for adventure. The money you have given us will allow him to complete his studies and I to raise a family. Take care in your quest. Both the map you seek and Chrysamere are sure to be guarded…”


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