ESO Summerset: Buried Memories

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Ritemaster Iachesis

I asked the Conclave of the Eleven Forces to ponder how we can learn more from the abyssal pearl. With the additional information you provided, I expect that Iradal or Amaleera will be able to develop a new avenue of investigation now.


What more do you hope to learn from the abyssal pearl?

Ritemaster Iachesis

The augury ritual revealed the connection to the Court of Bedlam and pointed to trouble in Rellenthil. Now we need to determine where K’Tora and the Sea Sloads are hiding.

The abyssal pearl should be able to point us in the right direction.


How can I help?

Ritemaster Iachesis

Meet me in the main gallery. We can consult with the rest of the Conclave and use the scrying pool to continue our probe of the pearl.

As much as this situation concerns me, I must admit, I somewhat enjoy being in the middle of the action again.


I’ll meet you in the main gallery.

Downstairs, the player discovers that the Psijic conclave is in disarray around the scrying pool.


Ritemaster! The abyssal pearl. It’s gone!

Ritemaster Iachesis

Gone? How? I set the protections personally!


See what the scrying pool reveals! There’s something happening on the beach!


It’s the yaghra, they’re invading Artaeum!

Ritemaster Iachesis

The pearl! Somehow it was used to summon the yaghra! We need to defend the beach!


Wait! Is that a sword?

Golden Knight

That would be mine. I’m on my way to help. Eventually.

Ritemaster Iachesis

The Golden Knight and his sword can wait. The yaghra are our primary concern.


Follow the Ritemaster. I’ll portal myself and meet you there.


My word, the vision showed us the Dawnbreaker! I’m almost positive.

Having observed the exchange, the player speaks with the Ritemaster about next steps.

Ritemaster Iachesis

The scrying pool revealed that yaghra have invaded our island. They must have somehow used the abyssal pearl to open a pathway.

We need to get down to the beach and repel the invaders.


Why are yaghra invading the island?

Ritemaster Iachesis

The Sea Sload have always been envious of Artaeum and its secrets. From the beach, they can reach the ruins of the College of Psijics, where we store relics and other items of arcane significance.

If the Sea Sload acquire any of those artifacts …


If the yaghra are attacking by the beach, how did the pearl get down there?

Ritemaster Iachesis

That’s a mystery we can solve after we deal with the immediate problem. We need to get down to the beach, destroy the pearl, and close the yaghra’s portal.

Will you aid me in these endeavors?


I’ll help you destroy the pearl.

Before setting out, the player wanted to consult Oriandra.


How could the abyssal pearl disappear like that? It makes no sense.


When was the last time anyone saw the abyssal pearl?


A few hours ago. We left it in the scrying pool in the main gallery while the members of the Conclave of the Eleven Forces went to deal with other matters of importance.

When I returned, I immediately noticed that the pearl was missing.


Didn’t the Ritemaster place protections on the pearl?


Yes. That’s standard procedure when dealing with an unknown relic. But that just makes the pearl’s disappearance more troubling.

Something about this feels … wrong.


What is the Conclave of the Eleven Forces?


The Conclave serves as the Order’s ruling body. It takes its name from the Eleven Forces of nature that we revere and follow as part of the Old Ways.

The Conclave assists the Ritemaster with matters of study, policy, and significant research.


We’ll get to the bottom of this.

Together, the player and Iachesis head down through the ruins and onto Artaeum’s southeastern beach. When they arrive, they find Valsirenn waiting for them.


Let me accompany you.

Ritemaster Iachesis

You need to rally the others. Your friend and I should be able to handle this.

The player chooses to consult with Valsirenn before heading into the ruin.


It seems the Ritemaster prefers your company in this matter to mine.

Be careful in there. If the yaghra made it onto Artaeum, I can’t imagine that one or more of the Sea Sload will be very far behind.


These ruins, what is this place?


This? This was once the famed College of Psijics. It dates back to a time when our order was much larger and we were more involved in the affairs of the world.

Now the ruins serve as a repository, a vault to store dangerous items.


What was the Golden Knight that appeared in the scrying pool vision?


Iradal believes that the sword was Dawnbreaker, which would make the Golden Knight a champion of Meridia. But let’s deal with one problem at a time.

It may not seem like it, but this situation has rattled Iachesis. Please, keep him safe in there.

Together, the Ritemaster and the player enter the ruins.

Ritemaster Iachesis

We can reach the beach through this section of the old college.

They proceed through unimpeded and arrive on the other side of the island, in a small garden overlooking the beach. Before they head down, the Ritemaster has some final wisdom to impart.

Ritemaster Iachesis

Before we charge into certain danger, you need to know something isn’t right. I remember defeating K’Tora, but somehow the creature and its cabal have returned. And the pearl. I have a vague memory of moving it myself.

I am … unsettled.


Why would you move the pearl and not tell anyone?

Ritemaster Iachesis

That’s just it. The vague memory. It feels as though it belongs to someone else.

Forgive me, we can worry about that later. Now we need to find the abyssal pearl and cut off its connection to Artaeum. Only then can we stop the flow of yaghra.


I can destroy the pearl.

Ritemaster Iachesis

Very good. After the pearl is destroyed, we need to search the vaults and make sure none of the creatures breached the defenses. I tried to examine the area through the scrying pool, but something blocked my efforts.

Are you ready to proceed?


I’m ready.

The two of them head down to the beach, where they see other Psijics fending off yaghra.

Ritemaster Iachesis

There’s the pearl. Destroy it and close that portal!

They defeat the yaghra and destroy the pearl. After that’s done, they proceed on to the Psijic Relic Vaults to make sure they are still safe.

Ritemaster Iachesis

Now let’s go check on the vaults.

This way! hurry!

They approach the entrance to the vault, where they find both dead yaghra and dead Psijics.


Gah! Students!

Ritemaster Iachesis

These ancient vaults house relics of great power and unusual nature. I sense … yes, K’Tora is here. Be on your guard, friend of Valsirenn.


You think K’Tora is here?

Ritemaster Iachesis

The Sea Sload or one of its agents. I have a strange feeling, so be on your guard.


Is there a particular relic the Sea Sload seeks?

Ritemaster Iachesis

I can think of a number of likely candidates, including a few relics we believe originated in the ancient Sea Sload kingdom of Ul’vor-Kus.

Let’s get to the central rotunda and begin our search there.


Lead the way.

They proceed into the vaults, and find a couple of Spiderkith Daedra blocking the way inside with a barrier of webs.

Ritemaster Iachesis

Mephala’s Daedra! They sealed the chamber. We’ll need to go through them.

Spiderkith Venifex

Mephala has sealed this place, mortal flea!

Ritemaster Iachesis

The barrier of webs. Burn it away so we can enter the rotunda. Another Daedric intrusion?

They defeat the Daedra easily, but cannot break the barrier. Then, the Golden Knight appears again.

Golden Knight

My apologies. Daedric interference and Artaeum’s own defenses delayed my arrival.

Mephala’s webs? I hate those things! Allow me.

The Golden knight burns away the webs with a flourish.

Damn it, they found me again! I’ll return when I can—

Ritemaster Iachesis

A champion of Meridia? At least he was helpful.

Together, the two of them proceed into the rotunda. Inside, they find K’Tora the Sload, and Iachesis goes to confront him.

K’Tora! I killed you! I remember our battle as clear as day!


You remember exactly what I want you to remember.

And thanks to the Orbs of B’Raken Drel, your deepest memories will be mine!

Back, worm! This does not concern the likes of you.

A bright flash blinds the player. When their vision returns, they see the Ritemaster floating before the Sload, caught in some sort of magic. They also hear Valsirenn’s voice from outside the room.


Out here, quickly! We need to hurry if we’re going to help the Ritemaster!

The player meets her in the outside chamber.

It’s a good thing I followed you after I alerted the rest of the Conclave.

I think I can counteract K’Tora’s mind magic, but I’ll need your help.


What’s happening to the Ritemaster?


K’Tora is using the power of the Orbs of B’Raken Drel to enhance his mind magic and lock the Ritemaster in a mental grip.

From what I can discern, the Sea Sload is flipping through his memories as you or I would turn the pages of a book.


What are the Orbs of B’Raken Drel?


An ancient implement, three matched orbs that our relic master believes originated in the Sea of Pearls. We long suspected they were connected to the Sea Sload.

K’Tora thinks the power of the relic will keep us from interfering, but I have an idea.


So what do you need me to do?


Take this wardkey. It will disable the protections on the repositories so you can locate the Ul’vor Staff and bring it to me. I can use the staff to breach the barrier and aid the Ritemaster.

Just watch out for any lingering yaghra.


I’ll find the Ul’vor Staff.

They proceed deeper into the vaults, fighting off various yaghra. While the player fights, K’Tora yells threatening lines.


I am as patient as and enduring as the sea, worm. Now reveal the hiding place!

Your mind is mine, Iachesis. Reveal your memories to me!

You can’t resist forever. The Heart of Transparent Law will be mine!


The player eventually locates a locked Relic Repository. They use the wardkey to open it and retrieve the staff, then return to Valsirenn.


Excellent. And it appears to be in perfect condition. With the staff, I’m certain I can pierce the barrier and open a path to the mindscape where the Ritemaster struggles against K’Tora.


So we’re going to enter the Ritemaster’s mind?


Not we. You. I need to remain here to anchor you to the physical world. And you’re going into K’Tora’s mind. We’ll use the connection between them to put you where you can actually hurt the Sea Sload…within its own mindscape.


How can I hurt K’Tora in the mindscape?


K’Tora’s mindscape is the perfect place to hurt the Sea Sload. It’s where he’s most vulnerable. In a place where thoughts become reality, you’ll be able to stop K’Tora once and for all.

Now touch the staff and go save the Ritemaster!


I’ll enter the mindscape.

Valsirenn casts a spell and holds the staff upright for the player. When they touch it, they are instantly transported into a strange dimension of purple coral, blue mushrooms, and bright pink synapses under a night sky.


You dare enter my domain, worm?


Vanquish the guardians to reveal each protected memory. You’ll weaken K’Tora and learn something at the same time.

They proceed down the path until they encounter and fight off a named yaghra summoned by the pearl. When these are defeated, ghostly apparitions of K’Tora and Clavicus Vile appear.


A bargain is a bargain. The island for the Heart of Transparent Law.

Clavicus Vile

Yes, yes, just as we agreed. But only a portion of the crystal. We don’t want to alert the Sapiarchs too soon.


Tell your fellow Princes all will be well. The Ritemaster is no match for my mind magic.

Clavicus Vile

So Nocturnal has assured me. Don’t disappoint us, K’Tora.

Once the memory has played out, the barrier blocking the path dissipates and the player is able to proceed ahead. They face and defeat Sload-Risen Husks and Stalkers before encountering another memory.


I lured you here for one purpose, worm.

Ritemaster Iachesis

Your Abyssal Cabal may … defeat me … but you’ll never stand against… the entire Psijic Order.


Once again you fail to grasp the obvious. When the time is right, you will do exactly as I command. Until then, forget …

Ritemaster Iachesis

No, no … arrgh!

Once again, the barrier disappears once the memory concludes, and the player proceeds forward.


You shall be eradicated… forgotten.

They defeat abyssal pearls and the creatures summoned by them before arriving at the final memory.


The Ritemaster’s waking up. You need to press on!


Repeat my words, worm. Tell me what you must do.

Ritemaster Iachesis

I will …enter the Crystal Tower. I will … take the Heart of Transparent Law.


Yes, yes. Hide it away until I call for you to give it to me. Not even the Princes must know where it is.

Ritemaster Iachesis

Hide … the Heart …

Now that all has been revealed, all that remained was defeating K’Tora. The sload was waiting just behind the barrier. The player attacked, and was eventually able to defeat the sload.


My memory shields! You destroyed them!

Feel the crushing weight of your own insignificance!

You fight well, but in this mindscape I reign supreme!

After he is defeated, the player hears Valsirenn’s voice from outside the mindscape.


K’Tora’s mind. It’s shutting down!

I’m taking the Ritemaster back to his study. You need to get out of there!

Use the staff to exit the mindscape! Then talk to Sotha Sil!

The player touches the staff nearby, and, after a flash of blinding light, found themselves back in the relic vault. Sotha Sil was waiting for them.

Sotha Sil

A Sea Sload. Interesting. I haven’t dissected such a specimen in an exceedingly long unit of temporal measurement.


Where are Valsirenn and the Ritemaster?

Sotha Sil

Valsirenn took the Ritemaster to Ceporah Tower to administer to his wounds. Luckily for you, I arrived in time to help Valsirenn open a path out of the Sload’s dying mind.

What did you learn before the mindscape collapsed?


K’Tora made a deal with Daedric Princes and altered the Ritemaster’s memories.

Sotha Sil

Yes, I surmised as much. The triad of Daedric Princes has become bold in its attempts to influence Nirn, though influence seems to be the least of their goals.

The Sload, however, was unable to harvest whatever memory it sought from the Ritemaster.


K’Tora wanted to learn where the Ritemaster hid something called the Heart of Transparent Law.

Sotha Sil

That revelation … disturbs me. I feared the Crystal Tower was too tempting a target for the Daedric triad. I need to ponder the full implications of their plot.

Meanwhile, I suggest you go to Ceporah Tower and see how the Ritemaster is faring.


The player returns to Ceporah Tower and goes to see the Ritemaster in his chambers. They arrive just as Valsirenn is leaving.


As you wish, Ritemaster. I shall travel to Lillandril immediately.


And I’ll send word to the Eye of the Queen.

Ritemaster Iachesis

I owe you a debt of gratitude, friend of Valsirenn. What the two of you did to help me, that was a step beyond. Thank you.

And it seems you accomplished what I failed to do. You ended the threat of K’Tora.


I saw K’Tora’s memories, but I’m not totally clear on what happened to you.

Ritemaster Iachesis

K’Tora tricked me in the past. Made me remember a victory I never won. Then he planted a compulsion. Forced me to steal the Heart of Transparent Law from the Crystal Tower.

Apparently I hid it and forgot about it. He sought that memory.


What’s the significance of the Heart of Transparent Law?

Ritemaster Iachesis

The Crystal Tower stands as a mystical protection for Summerset. Transparent Law, a crystal at the top of the tower, serves as its source of power.

With the Heart removed from the crystal, the protection provided by the tower slowly weakens.


So the Heart is part of a larger crystal?

Ritemaster Iachesis

Yes, a smaller gem that had been imbedded in the larger crystal. If the Daedric Princes acquire the Heart, they could take control of the Crystal Tower.

Valsirenn and Oriandra will warn Summerset while I try to remember where I hid the Heart.


Is there anything I can do to help restore your missing memories?

Ritemaster Iachesis

You helped me remember my true encounter with K’Tora and his Abyssal Cabal. I remember how they defeated me three hundred years ago. Compelled me to do their bidding. Made me forget.

For now, I need solitude to seek the memories that still elude me.

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