ESO Morrowind: Broken Bonds

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Librarian Note:

This quest is in fact a tutorial. It replaces the original tutorial in Coldharbour if the player owns The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind.

The Vestige finds themself on a ship sailing to Vvardenfell and reading a letter titled “Good Travels!”. Another passenger, Fonten Jodain, starts speaking.

Fonten Jodain

What a fabulous voyage we’ve shared, my friend! To Vvardenfell and new opportunities! Still reading that letter? A lover’s note, hmm? No need to confirm or deny it. We all have our secrets. I wonder what Vvardenfell has in store for us!


Jagged rocks ahead! Brace yourselves!

Fonten Jodain

Well, that doesn’t sound good.

Water bursts through the hull of the ship. The Vestige wakes up in a cage with an Argonian, Eoki.


This one’s still alive, Naryu!

Naryu Virian

I can see that. Walk this way and let’s make sure everything works after that dreadful shipwreck.

The Vestige leaves the cage and talks to Naryu in another room.

Naryu Virian

Look what the sea coughed up! Welcome to Vvardenfell, land of Dark Elves, lava flows, and slaves of all descriptions. Speaking of slaves, let me get those manacles off you.


How are you going to remove these bindings?

Naryu Virian

Oh, you’ll find I’m full of surprises! I have just the thing. Hold still … there!


What is this place?

Naryu Virian

You’ve been captured by slavers. Haven’t you been paying attention? Maybe you hit your head when your ship crashed into the rocks and dumped you onto the Bitter Coast. The slavers lured your ship in and took their pick of the survivors.


Are you working with the slavers?

Naryu Virian

Slavers? Me? No, my allegiance leans in an entirely different direction. Let’s just say I’m here to help you escape this place. Then you can get back to what you were doing before the slavers so rudely sank your vessel.


So how do we get out of here?

Naryu Virian

Not so fast, hero. I need to make sure you can handle yourself in a fight. Not everyone recovers from a near-death experience that quickly.


All right, let’s test my fighting skills.

Naryu Virian

Let’s go over some of the basics of combat.


I’m ready.

An alternative answer is:


I’m fine. I can fight with the best of them.

Naryu Virian

Oh, you can, can you? Then let’s see how you handle this.

No matter which answer was chosen, a combat tutorial starts. During the tutorial, Naryu and Eoki say short dialogue lines.


Quick, defend yourself!


Nice! Now follow it up!

Naryu Virian

Try to block this one!


Finish her off!

After the combat tutorial, the quest of escaping the slavers continues.

Naryu Virian

Impressive! You’re just what I need to pull my plan together. Most of the slavers are currently out on a raid. That means it’s the perfect opportunity for us to make our escape.


What do you need me to do?

Naryu Virian

Oh, not too much, really. I need you to find a set of slaver clothes so you don’t look like one of the prisoners. Plus, we need the gate key or we’ll never make it to the docks. Here. Take my spare lockpick in case you need it.


What are you going to do while I get the gear and the key?

Naryu Virian

I’ve got a few more things to check on before we can make our escape. You do your part, and I promise you, I’ll do mine.


Any idea who these slavers are?

Naryu Virian

An idea? Of course. I just need proof to satisfy my superiors. But don’t worry. I’m sure I’ll have things well in hand by the time we meet back up.


I’ll go find some gear and the gate key.


We’ve got a lockpick. Why do we need a gate key?

Naryu Virian

Some locks resist even the best efforts of a skilled thief. They’re crafted using superior components and complex mechanisms. Like the lock on the gate. If I had all the time in the world, maybe I could crack it. But we don’t have that luxury.

The Vestige can train combat once again by choosing the right answer.


I’d like to fight you again, just for the practice.

Naryu Virian

If you insist. I do so enjoy getting physical with a good-looking specimen such as yourself.

The Vestige leaves to find the gate key and some slaver gear. In one of the huts they encounter a Slaver Cutthroat.

Slaver Cutthroat

Drores? Why didn’t you wake me? Have you been drinking the aged flin again?

If the Vestige is detected by the Slaver Cutthroat, he says the following dialogue line and starts combat.

Slaver Cutthroat

Treacherous slave! I’ll have your head!

After obtaining the necessary key and gear, the Vestige finds Eoki and other slaves outside.


Over here!


Did you get the things Naryu wanted? The slavers are returning and plans have changed. Naryu sent me to find you and get the gate key.


Tell me what happened.


Naryu sent a signal to the House Guard in Seyda Neen and that’s when the slaver horn started sounding. The slavers must have been hiding nearby and now they’re on their way back. We have to hurry!


Here’s the gate key.


You are a ray of sunshine on a cloudy morning! I’ll lead the prisoners through the gate and see what we can find to get off this island. You meet up with Naryu at the overlook and then rendezvous with us at the docks.


I’ll find Naryu at the overlook.

The Vestige goes to find Naryu.

Naryu Virian

I couldn’t have done much better myself, hero. Good work down there! There’s one more thing to do, if you’re up to it. Time is short, but I have something to tell you. You’ve earned that much at least.


What do you want to tell me?

Naryu Virian

I’m an assassin, a Morag Tong agent here to complete a job. The writ I carry gives me the legal authority to end my target’s life, no questions asked. I’m here to kill Captain Svadstar, leader of this band of slavers. He’s as bad as they come.


Why are you telling me this?

Naryu Virian

Because I need your help. I can kill the captain and ten of his thugs without breaking a sweat. But the slavers’ ship? It’s faster and stronger than anything the locals can throw at it. If we don’t scuttle the ship, they’ll be right back to business.


Why should I help an assassin?

Naryu Virian

Not big on gratitude, I see. Look, I signaled Seyda Neen, but they won’t get here in time to stop the slavers. With your help, we can end the slavers, save their prisoners, and sink their ship. Otherwise, the prisoners are as good as dead.


So what do you need me to do?

Naryu Virian

Gather some fire salts and kindlepitch from the docks. With them, you can make a fire bomb. Not only will setting their ship on fire destroy it, it will flush Svadstar from his hiding hole so I can end him. We’ll meet after you gather the supplies.


I’ll get the fire salts and kindlepitch and meet you at the docks.

Naryu runs away to the gate to the docks and the Vestige looks for the necessary materials for a fire bomb. After collecting them all, they meet Naryu Virian.

Naryu Virian

Over here! Get on board and let’s go.

The two use a rowboat to get to the slaver ship.

Naryu Virian

The ship’s under attack! Pretend you’re part of the crew and maybe the slavers won’t notice.

Slaver Thug

Don’t come out! They’re bombarding the ship! Wait, who …?

Naryu Virian

Go below decks and use the fire bomb. I’ll search for the Captain. Now move!

First Mate Ulveni

Skeeving fetcher! I’ll kill you!

Captain Svadstar

Intruder in the hold! Someone put out that fire while I deal with this flea!

Naryu Virian

Nice! We make a great team. Now, let’s get off this burning ship!

After defeating both enemies, Naryu and the Vestige jump off the ship and dive into water. The Vestige awakes in a cabin which turns out to be inside The Windstorm, docked in Seyda Neen.

Sergeant Delms

Good, you’ve returned to your senses. Let’s talk. So, care to tell me what you were doing on that slaver ship?


They captured me and I was trying to escape. What is this place?

Sergeant Delms

This is the port town of Seyda Neen, on the island of Vvardenfell. We fished you out of the burning wreckage of a slaver ship near Firemoth. If you’re not a slaver, why were you dressed as one?


We were in disguise, trying to make our escape from the ship.

Sergeant Delms

We? Hmm. I’ll let Governor Salvi sort this out. She wants to see you. Best not to keep her waiting.


I’ll go and talk to Governor Salvi.

Sergeant Delms

Come with me.

The Vestige and Sergeant Delms leave The Windstorm and enter the Census and Excise Office.

Syndelius Ergalla

Another rescue, Sergeant? Let me just record the name in my ledger.

Sergeant Delms

Not this one. Governor Salvi doesn’t want an official record.

Syndelius Ergalla

Really? Very well. The Governor’s in her office.

Governor Salvi

As Governor of this region, I have questions that need to be answered. We found you among the wreckage of the slaver ship, and we found a strongbox with your name on it in another wreck. I’ll give you the strongbox if you tell me the truth.


I helped a Morag Tong agent. She had a writ to assassinate the slaver captain.

Governor Salvi

Did she? And where is this writ? I don’t see any writ. And without a writ, all I have is a murder. Take your strongbox, but we’ll hold onto you until I have proof of your claim. I have no patience for tale-tellers or slavers.

Naryu Virian enters the Office and gives the Governor a writ.

Naryu Virian

A moment, Governor. Here’s my honorable writ of execution for the slaver captain.

Governor Salvi

Hmm. These papers appear to be in order.

Naryu Virian

We’re done here, hero. But don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll see each other again.

Governor Salvi

I suppose you can go now. And we’ll leave your name out of the official record. Just don’t make me regret this.

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