TES Legends Fall of the Dark Brotherhood: Bravil

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Librarian Note:

This section covers episodes 5 and 6, which take place in Bravil.

Episode 5


The agent arrived to a city in turmoil. A war between two rival Skooma gangs gripped the city.

The Lucky Old Lady, the statue that stood atop the Night Mother’s crypt, had been destroyed in the fighting.

Cheydinhal, too, had sent Alisanne help, in the form of two Assassins: Garnag and Andronica.


Thank the Night Mother you’ve arrived. Garnag and Andronica have gone missing. I sent Andronica to assassinate the heads of the city’s two Skooma gangs. I sent Garnag to assassinate the head of the Bravil Treasury. Neither has returned. I need you to find them.


Upon arrival, the player recieves a message from Uther, his original contact.

Message from Uther

Agent. Your last message was unclear. Why are you in Bravil? Have you found the Listener? I have a business manager in town. Meet him at the Silverhome Inn.


Given the option to investigate the disappearances of Garnag and Andronica, or to follow up on the letter, the player chooses to check on the messenger first and heads to the Silverhome on the Water.

Silverhome on the Water

The agent found Uther’s messenger in a room at Silverhome Inn. A strange noise sounded from a nearby room, but it did not immediately concern the agent. The messenger asked again if the agent had found the listener.


Did the agent tell him?



Indeed. The agent urged Uther to make haste for Bravil.



No. The agent dodged the question, assuring the messenger that progress was being made.


Having satisfied that obligation, the player decides to check on Andronica next.

Skooma Den
Claws Henchman

This Den is Claws territory. Get lost!


Beats the Claws henchman

Claws Boss

Enough! Let us parley, assassin.

You seek the assassin woman? She tried to kill this one. If you want her back, you must do something for the Claws. Assassinate the head of our rivals, the Eclipse. When it is done, meet me at the bridge south of town.


The player heads to the hideout of the rival gang.

Eclipse Hideout

The Agent faced a choice: Should they sneak in and assassinate the leader, or walk in and attempt to parley?

Chooses to Sneak


Kills the Eclipse leader


The agent had killed the Eclipse’s leader, fulfilling half of Andronica’s contract. Now to meet with the Claws.

Chooses to Parley

Eclipse Henchmen

You want to talk to the boss? You’ll need to go through us!


Defeats the henchmen

Eclipse Baroness

What is going on out here? Let us talk like civilized people.

The Claws have your compatriot? Then we have a common enemy. I will send some of my men to help you assassinate the rogue.

South Bridge

The player goes to South Bridge, the meeting point designated by the Claws. What they find there depends on their alegiance.

Chooses to Sneak


Kills the Eclipse leader


The agent had killed the Eclipse’s leader, fulfilling half of Andronica’s contract. Now to meet with the Claws.

Chooses to Parley

Eclipse Henchmen

You want to talk to the boss? You’ll need to go through us!


Defeats the henchmen

Eclipse Baroness

What is going on out here? Let us talk like civilized people.

The Claws have your compatriot? Then we have a common enemy. I will send some of my men to help you assassinate the rogue.


Having freed Andronica, only Garnag remains. The player decides to look for him at the last known location.

Bravil Treasury
Treasury Guard

Another assassin? Sound the alarm!


Easily overcomes the Treasury’s defences


The agent learned that the head of the treasury had already been assassinated. Garnag had succeeded in his mission. So where was he?


Having exhausted all possibilities, the player suddenly remembers the strange noise at the Silverhome on the Water.

Silverhome on the Water, Back Room

The agent investigated the strange noise at the Inn – and found Garnag being tortured.


Defeats the Torturer and frees Garnag.

Chose to keep the Listener’s location secret from the messenger


They kept asking about the Listener… Sithis forgive me, I told them she was here, in Bravil. They didn’t tell me who they were, but I heard them mention a name… Uther.

Chose to tell Listener’s location to the messenger


I… I didn’t tell them anything. They’d been following me since Cheydinhal. They didn’t tell me who they were, but I heard them mention a name… Uther.


With the assassination of their leaders, the gang war intensified. Amidst the violence, Alisanne dare [sic] not leave the Night Mother’s side.

But Garnag’s tale seemed to enrage the Listener. She soon told the agent why.

Episode 6


When I was a young woman, my father murdered my mother


I ran and joined the brotherhood, swearing that someday, I would use the assassin’s art to end him.


His name is Uther Nere, and now, I know he’s in Bravil.

At long last, the Night Mother has given me permission to end his life.

I need you to find him. But don’t kill him – lure him to me. His life is mine.


Now knowing the truth, the player proceeds to Uther’s suite at the inn.

Silverhome on the Water, Uther’s Suite

Ah, my wayward agent. You might have told me the Listener was in Bravil. My torturer is most suspicious of you. You say you can lead me to the Listener? Good. I will come and ensure you finish the job.


Together with Uther, the player goes to the Nightmother’s Crypt

Nightmother’s Crypt

At last… the Night Mother’s Crypt. Men, burn it to the ground! And you, my agent – kill the Listener!


What? But I thought…


You thought you had a loyal assassin, the most skilled you’d ever seen? No, my dear. Your trusted lieutenant has been my agent from the beginning! Now, my friend, fulfill your contract – Kill the Listener!

Kill Alisanne


If you want to kill Alisanne, you’ll have to get through me!


Fights and nearly kills Garnag


Garnag, you’re hurt. Get out of here… I’ll finish the traitor.


The player defeats Andronica as well, and proceeds deeper into the Crypt.


I trusted you! But here you are – a lap dog for my murderous father. Fine then. Die like the dog you are!


They fight, and Alisanne is killed.

Protect Alisanne


Garnag, you’re hurt! Get the Night Mother to safety! We will hold these mercenaries off!


It will be done!


The player, with Alisanne at their side, defeats Uther’s Torturer and mercenaries.


Father! For long years I have awaited this!


As have I. I knew while you lived, I would never be safe. Come, let us end this once and for all!


Fights Uther. When he is nearly dead, he casts a terrible spell that kills Alisanne.


Goodbye, daughter!

And now, my traitorous agent, it is down to you and me. You will die for betraying me!


Kills Uther.


Uther Nere had succeeded in killing his daughter. But the agent had ensured that he paid for his vile crimes with his life.

Thanks to the agent, Garnag was able to escape with the Night Mother, ensuring that the Brotherhood would live on.


Nagh is not sure if this is a tale of victory or defeat.


As I said, my friend. Some tales have no heroes. Only people in the darkness searching for a glimmer of light.

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