TES1 Arena: Auriel’s Bow

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Auriel's Bow appears as a modest Elven Longbow, but it one of the mightiest weapons ever to exist in Tamriel's history. Allegedly created and used, like its sister Auriel's Shield, by the great Elvish demi-god, the Bow can turn any arrow into a missile of death and any wielder invulnerable to any lesser attacks. Without Auriel's power behind it, however, the bow uses its own store of energy for its power. Once exhausted of this energy, the bow will vanish and reappear where ever chance puts it. Its most recent appearances have been subject of gossip for hundreds of years.


Auriel's Bow is the news, young [race]. Ever heard of it? Well, there's a chap just [direction] of here who swears he knows exactly how to find it. He's asking for a bit more than the local [tavern name] boys are interested in paying. Maybe you could talk him down a bit, if you're interested in the ultimate bow in Tamriel.

Another of Auriel's artifacts has turned up, at least according to this gentleman over at the [tavern name], just [direction] of here. He says he knows who has the map to Auriel's Bow, which legend says never misses. If you have the sort of money he's looking for, you should pay a visit. But you better hurry over. I don't know if he'll be at the [tavern name] for long.

Nothing much going on I can think of. Unless you count that weird guy I saw here a few minutes ago, trying to sell me information on buying Auriel's Bow for more gold pieces than I care to spend on a rumor. I told him he might try the locals at the [tavern name], so headed off [direction]. If you're interested, you can find him there.

Fancy yourself a bit of an archer? My name's [Name] and I think I can help you find that Bow. In fact, I know I can, if you've got [amount] gold for my information. Only fair, right? Might sound like a lot, but you're getting exclusive knowledge about the wherebouts of one of the greatest lost artifacts of Tamriel. So we have an agreement, [race]?

Someone must've told you I'd be here, he says, his voice slurred with drink. Everyone in [province] knows if you want to find Auriel's Bow, [Name]'s the man you should talk to, and that's me. Maybe if someone else knew what I do, he'd try and get the bow himself or make himself rich, but, you know, my needs are modest. Everything I know about finding the bow can be bought for [amount] gold pieces. Interested?

Good day to you. I'm [Name], at your service. I'm the fellow you should speak with if you're interested in Auriel's Bow. In the hands of an accomplished archer, as you no doubt are, the Bow could very well be the deadliest weapon in Tamriel. Perfect, don't you think? Anyhow, all I ask is [amount] gold to show you exactly how the bow may be yours. Sound good to you?

Tavern Encounters

“Fancy yourself a bit of an archer?” The man in the next seat turn to you, unsmiling. “My name's [Name] and I think I can help you find that Bow. In fact, I know I can, if you've got [amount] gold for my information. Only fair, right? Might sound like a lot, but you're getting exclusive knowledge about the wherebouts of one of the greatest lost artifacts of Tamriel. So we have an agreement, [race]?”

The man behind you taps your shoulder the moment you mention Auriel's bow. “Someone must've told you I'd be here,” he says, his voice slurred with drink. “Everyone in [province] knows if you want to find Auriel's Bow, [Name]'s the man you should talk to, and that's me. Maybe if someone else knew what I do, he'd try and get the bow himself or make himself rich, but, you know, my needs are modest. Everything I know about finding the bow can be bought for [amount] gold pieces. Interested?”

“Good day to you,” a man to your right greets you. “I'm [Name], at your service. I'm the fellow you should speak with if you're interested in Auriel's Bow. In the hands of an accomplished archer, as you no doubt are, the Bow could very well be the deadliest weapon in Tamriel. Perfect, don't you think? Anyhow, all I ask is [amount] gold to show you exactly how the bow may be yours. Sound good to you?”


“Yeah, okay, that works for me. So listen up, %pcf. You might've heard tales about Auriel's Bow, famed by all archers as the most powerful bow to ever exist. You're going to have to voyage to Valenwood, and find the map that leads to this Elven artifact. I have gleaned the information on its whereabouts from an ancient text given to me by the Elven Lord Alendis. The place is called the [dungeon name], and I will inscribe it onto your map of the continent. If you can find the map, it should point out where Auriel's Bow has resurfaced…”

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