TES4 Shivering Isles: Addiction

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(Arrive in the House of Mania. Talk to Wide-Eye)


How can I help you… Sir? Miss? You all look alike to me. It’s so hard to tell. Are you here to see Thadon?


Ask about “Thadon”


I heard that you were coming, looking for Thadon. Yes, yes. Heard it all. Bored to tears by it. He’s waiting for you. Unless he isn’t. He wasn’t, but then he was. Maybe he still is.


(Go talk to Thadon)


Ahh yes, THERE you are! You couldn’t imagine how long I’ve been waiting for you. So little to do, and so much time. Hmm, could you, in fact, imagine just how long I’ve been waiting? I don’t think you could, but I might be wrong. I might also not care. Which is it?


You haven’t waited long at all.


Haven’t I? Hmm, perhaps not. It felt like rather a long time, but then long times get longer when you’re standing around thinking about them. A curious thing, that. Long roads get longer too, if you’re thinking about them, but what about long words? They don’t change nearly as much. Long, short — it all ends up the same. Dust and tears. Usually tears first, then the dust. Dust can’t cry, you see. That would be… well, amusing. You know what’s NOT amusing? I don’t have my Chalice of Reversal. It makes me sad. When I get sad, I don’t care to do much of anything. I certainly don’t care to help people who show up on my doorstep wanting something. Are we getting the picture here?


Chalice of Reversal


Oh, so you’ve heard of it?


No, I haven’t.


You haven’t heard of it, yet you know its name? What a strange creature you are. One of my favorite toys. Does wonders for creativity. Well, not by itself, but it helps. Those Elytra, clever little bugs that they are. Is this making sense? Look, you eat the Felldew, then use the Chalice, and find the world a much brighter and happier place. Honest. But I don’t have it. So I can’t eat Felldew, because that would just be bad. I mean, really bad. Damn her!




We hold on to fleeting things even as we slip. I knew, and yet I indulged myself anyway. I indulged her a fair bit, too. Hee hee! It was passion, it was… forbidden. Oh, the things that would be said if word got out. That made it all the more delicious. From Dementia’s own court, no less. Scandalous! Fatal, perhaps. But passion makes no accomodation for self-preservation.


What happened?


Opposites repel, strangely enough. All that pleasure and pain locked away now, as if it never happened. Unfortunately, the Chalice is locked away as well. I have no wish to retrieve it myself, but fetching it might do you some good. My head is positively throbbing now… can you see it? I need to lie down. Find someone to tell you the rest of the story. Get the Chalice.

Thadon has asked that I retrieve for him the Chalice of Reversal. I need to find someone in his court, or in Syl’s, who knows where it might be.


(Talk to Wide-Eye)


You’ve been speaking to Thadon. I can tell. He has a certain… effect on people. Did he mention me, perhaps? Or was there something else you wanted to discuss?


Ask about “Thadon”


If you are working to help Thadon, I’ll tell you whatever I can.


Ask about “Chalice of Reversal”


I don’t ask too many questions of Thadon. It’s precious to him, and that’s all that matters. It’s his own business. But, didn’t he mention where it is? Oh… I see. How brilliant of him. This is for you as much as it is for him. Oh, very good Thadon! Dunroot Burrow is your goal, my friend. And what a goal it is.


Ask about “Dunroot Burrow”


Yes, yes. A most unique place. Of course, the Chalice would be there! Don’t you see? It’s the Elytra. They’re the reason. The Chalice, Felldew, Elytra… it’s all connected. One without the others is no good, poison. Oh, a rough road awaits you. Some Elytra there are… different. You’ll need to get Felldew from them, and eat it. Can’t get in without it. But once you do… He wants you to learn for yourself. Learn, grow, experience. It’s his way. I shouldn’t say more. But the Burrow, it’s northeast of New Sheoth.


Ask about “Felldew”


Well, perhaps Thadon would want you to have a bit more guidance. He did say that you should talk to me, did he not? Felldew is a poison, little one. A very dangerous drug. You’ll feel good at first, but that wears off, and if you go long without it, you’ll suffer.

Wide-Eye has told me that the Chalice of Reversal is locked away in Dunroot Burrow. I’ll need to ingest Felldew to enter the Burrow, and pass through to reach the Chalice.


(Talk to Kithlan)


What is it you require?


Ask about “Chalice of Reversal”


You think I care for Thadon’s toys? It matters not to me whether he suffers in agony, or erases his mind with drugs. But if you insist… Do you know the lengths of his depravity? How low he stoops to pursue his pathetic lifestyle? Felldew is a poison. It kills. And yet Thadon uses the Chalice he created to twist Felldew into a drug he takes for his own amusement. How sick. If he were smart, he’d thank Sheogorath it’s out of his hands now. And, of course, he’d never risk himself traveling through Dunroot Burrow to get it.


Ask about “Felldew”


It’s a poison, plain and simple. It’ll make you wish you were dead. And given enough time, you will be. The Elytra in Dunroot Burrow, the ones that secrete it are immune, but they’re the only ones. If the Felldew didn’t kill you, the Elytra would. You’re better off just leaving the thing in the ruins above the Burrow.

Kithlan has told me that the Chalice of Reversal is locked away in Dunroot Burrow. I’ll need to ingest Felldew to enter the Burrow, and pass through to reach the tower.


(Talk to Haskill)


Yes? Do you require assistance?


Ask about “Chalice of Reversal”


The Chalice is one of the Duke’s prized possessions. He has been at a loss without it.


Ask about “Dunroot Burrow”


I believe you’ve already been instructed as to how to proceed. You’ll need to ingest Felldew to enter the Burrow.


Ask about “Felldew”


Do keep in mind that some Elytra will not consider you a threat while you are feeling the effects of Felldew Euphoria. You need to strike a balance with how often you ingest Felldew, and how willing you are to live with the side-effects.


(Go to Dunroot Burrow. Encounter an Elytra, slay it and retrieve Felldew. Consume the Felldew, and enter the cave. The Eytra in the cave do not attack as long as the effect of Felldew still active. Retrieve the chalice and go back to Thadon)


The triumphant champion returns! So, do you feel any different? Now that you’ve been through this experience, I mean. You know what it’s like now… Always wanting that next fix, hating it but craving it at the same time, and hating yourself for all of it. Ah, well. All over now. The Chalice helps, doesn’t it? Indeed it does, and I could use some helping right now. I’ll just take that back from you. And as a token of my gratitude, I grant you the role of Courtier of Mania, with all of its entitlements. Which is to say, none.

I have delivered the Chalice of Reversal to Thadon, and he has granted me a place in his court.


(Go meet Syl in the House of Dementia)

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