TES3 Morrowind: Addhiranirr and Mehra Milo

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Duvianus Platorius

"I'm looking for a friend of mine, a female Khajiit named Addhiranirr. Do you know where I can find her?"

"Yes. Her name is Addhiranirr, and she is a Khajiit. Do you know where I can find her?"

Faern Sargtlin


Duvianus Platorius

"I see. Well, perhaps some other good citizen can tell me where to find her."

Adaves Therayn

"This is the sacred city of Vivec. Count your blessings. Can I help you find someone in particular? Or are you just looking around?"

"Addhiranirr? Never heard of her. Nope. Absolutely certain. Never heard the name before."

Faern Sargtlin

(bribe him)

Adaves Therayn

"Oh. Addhiranirr. Maybe that name does sound a little familiar. For some reason, I just can't seem to remember."

Faern Sargtlin

(bribe him more)

Adaves Therayn

"Okay. I know Addhiranirr. And if I know Addhiranirr, she'll be staying out of sight as long as the Census and Excise agent is lurking about. Probably down in the underworks. Look for trapdoors down from the canalworks level."

:Census and Excise agent:
"They're the Imperial tax collectors. They hunt smugglers and tax dodgers."

Faern Sargtlin

(go to St. Olms Underworks)


"Great. So Caius says to you, "Speak with Addhiranirr." And you have done this thing. You are speaking with Addhiranirr. But Addhiranirr will not talk to you about the Nerevarine or the Sixth House cult, and because why? Because Addhiranirr is, at this moment, very distracted by a nice Census and Excise agent, who also wants to speak with her."

:Census and Excise agent:
"You do not know this? They are the collectors of the Emperor's taxes and tariffs. And the Emperor has outlawed trade in many things, like Dwemer artifacts and ebony, and a Census and Excise agent will enjoy being a pest about such things. For several reasons, a Census and Excise agent is not Addhiranirr's favorite person. If you want Addhiranirr to help you, make the bad agent go away. Then she will tell you things."

Faern Sargtlin

(go to St. Olms Canton, Waistworks)

Duvianus Platorius

"Yes. Her name is Addhiranirr, and she is a Khajiit. Do you know where I can find her?"

Faern Sargtlin

[Lie.] "Yes, she just took a gondola to the mainland."

Duvianus Platorius

"What a disappointment. But thank you for your time. I was just heading back to the mainland myself, anyway, and maybe I'll run into her there."

Faern Sargtlin

(go to St. Olms Underworks)


"So. Are you the one Addhiranirr must thank for getting rid of the annoying Census and Excise agent? Indeed, Addhiranirr is very glad to see you, and very happy to tell a friend of my good friend Caius all about the Sixth House cult. And Addhiranirr knows nothing about the Nerevarine, but Addhiranirr is happy to tell you that, too, if it makes Caius happy. Ask away, friend Faern Sargtlin."

"You have come from Caius, so of course he tells you all about Addhiranirr, how she is a friend of Caius, and who does little things for Caius, and who is also a member of the Thieves Guild, not at all important, but very helpful and loyal to fellow guild members."

:Thieves Guild:
"It is just is a social club. We like the finer things in life. Those who join this club, they must know how to get the finer things in life. We are like other guilds, so we get deals on training, on goods, and on services. The Guild Stewards? They know the finer things in life very well, and know where to find them. Addhiranirr must tell you, though. There is war between Thieves Guild and Camonna Tong. Addhiranirr is loyal to the Guild, but Addhiranirr thinks maybe the Guild is losing this war."

"Yes, Addhiranirr knows nothing about this Nerevarine cult, because it is just silly superstition. So you tell Caius this. Nobody in her right mind pays any attention to this nonsense. Prophecies and ancient heroes reborn and other silliness. Fuzzy tales for little kitties."

:Sixth House cult:
"This Addhiranirr knows about, because it is about smuggling. Some smart smugglers are suddenly too busy for their old clients, because they have a new employer, the Sixth House, who pays VERY well. But what do they smuggle now? Addhiranirr doesn't know, because they are very secret. And this is odd, because these smugglers are always loud and bragging, and now they hush up like fat-bellied kitties full of sweet-meats."

"Smuggling is big business. The Empire says we can't trade skooma, moon sugar, ebony, Dwemer artifacts, exotic Dunmer weapons and armor, and slaves. So smugglers trade these things. Smugglers also smuggle greef, shein, and sujamma to avoid Imperial tax. And now the Sixth House hires smugglers, though what they smuggle, Addhiranirr cannot say."

Faern Sargtlin

(find some inn, sleep and get a strange dream)

In my dream, a tall figure with a golden mask greeted me, saying, "There are many rooms in the house of the Master. Be easy, for from the hands of your enemies I have delivered you." It seemed I had died and could see myself laid upon a table lit by candles. But with my own hands I touched the figure, and the figure drew breath, opened eyes, and rose from the table. Then the room was gone, and the world filled with light, and I awoke.

(go to Hall of Wisdom)


Delmene Helas

"Almsivi, Faern Sargtlin. I'm Delmene Helas. Don't worry. Vivec can be confusing for us, and we live here. Is there some specific place you want? Or someone in particular you're trying to find?"

:Mehra Milo:
"She works in the library. If she's not there, you might find her in her private quarters. Her door is across from the Canon Offices here in the Hall of Wisdom."

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Library of Vivec)

Mehra Milo

"Yes, I'm Mehra Milo. Caius sent you? Follow me into the back of the library. We can't talk here."

Faern Sargtlin

(follow Mehra Milo into the back of the library)

Mehra Milo

"Go ahead. I'm afraid I don't know anything about a Sixth House cult, but I can tell you about the Nerevarine cult."

:Nerevarine cult:
"The Temple worships Nerevar as a saint and hero, but prophecies of his reincarnation are punished as wicked heresy. The Nerevarine cult claims the Tribunal are false gods, hence the Temple's persecution of the Nerevarine cult. A group called the Dissident Priests disputes Temple doctrine on the Nerevarine prophecies. The proscribed book 'Progress of Truth' describes their beliefs. Get a copy of 'Progress of Truth' for Caius Cosades. That will tell him things he needs to know about the Nerevarine cult."

:Caius Cosades:
"Caius is a dear friend. Like me, he admires the best traditions of the Temple, charity for the poor, education for the ignorant, protection for the weak. He is a Westerner, but he has come to love our land and our people. But like me, he distrusts the arbitrary power of the Ordinators, and like the Dissident priests, he suspects the Temple is hiding something. He serves the Emperor, but he also loves Morrowind, and he sees the failing virtues of the Temple as a threat to Morrowind's political stability."

:Dissident Priests:
"The Dissident priests dispute Temple doctrine, and are outlawed and persecuted by the Temple. Ordinators arrest and imprison heretics, and the Empire cannot interfere. 'Progress of Truth' lists their beliefs. In brief, they challenge the purity and divinity of the Tribunal, suggesting their powers are sorcerous, not divine, and perhaps akin to the powers of Dagoth Ur. They also condemn the arbitrary power of the Ordinators, and accuse the Temple hierarchy of self-interest and corruption."

:persecuted by the Temple:
"Why does the Temple persecute the Dissident Priests? Because attacks on the Temple weaken the faith, and leave the people defenseless against the influence of Dagoth Ur. Faith is what strengthens the will of the believer against Dagoth Ur's lies. Faith is the source of the divine power that sustains the Tribunal in their battle with Dagoth Ur. Since the Empire, some Dunmer have turned away from the Temple; that's why Dagoth Ur grows stronger, why blight storms and monsters threaten the land."

:persecution of the Nerevarine:
"It's an Ashlander cult -- primitive superstition, says the Temple. Nerevarines say the Tribunal are false gods. I've never understood why the Temple wastes so much energy on them. The faithful cannot be shaken by such attacks, and the Ashlanders are just ignorant savages. But since the submission of the Temple to the Empire, and the erosion of faith among the Dunmer, the militant wing of the Temple is increasingly fierce in its attacks on heretics and heathens."

:Progress of Truth:
"This book lists the disputes of the Dissident priests with Tribunal Temple doctrines. The Temple has outlawed the sale or possession of the book, so it will be hard to find. We have a copy here, but I fear I'm being watched by the Ordinators here. A safer plan would be to search local booksellers. Some booksellers ignore Temple bans on outlawed books for profits or for principles."

:watched by Ordinators:
"I do not care for Temple politics. But I have read 'Progress of Truth,' and it troubles me. I have friends, former priests, who have gone into hiding, so I am bound to come to the attention of the Ordinators. I am careful, but I'm afraid. I'm no secret agent, like you or Caius. Sooner or later I, too, must go into hiding. If it is not too late. When you return to Caius, tell him I am worried, and that if something goes wrong, I will leave a message under the agreed code word 'amaya'."

"The Ordinators are the holy guards and soldiers of the Temple. The four orders of Ordinators answer to the Alma Rula in Almalexia. Grandmaster Berel Sala is the chief Ordinator on Vvardenfell. The Order of the Watch provides guards for temples and shrines. The Order of War fights the enemies of the Temple; most War Ordinators are stationed near Red Mountain. The Order of Doctrine and Ordination are militant scholars. The Order of the Inquisition identifies and suppresses heresy among priests and laymen."

"The Tribunal Temple is the native religion of civilized Morrowind. They worship three God-Kings, Almalexia, Sotha Sil, and Vivec, who are known together as the Tribunal. We usually just call it 'The Temple.'"

"Blessed Almalexia the Warden is one of the three Immortals God-Kings of Morrowind, a Pillar of the Tribunal, and the patron of Healers and Teachers. Almalexia was the virtuous wife of Lord Nerevar, and later the Consort of Lord Vivec. Almalexia is Healing Mother, the source of compassion and sympathy, and protector of the poor and weak."

:Sotha Sil:
"Lord Sotha Sil the Magus is one of the three Immortal God-Kings of Morrowind, a Pillar of the Tribunal, and the patron of Artificers and Wizards. Sotha Sil was the mightiest wizard and most wise counselor of the First Council. Companion and teacher of Nerevar and Vivec, Sotha Sil is the Light of Knowledge and the Inspiration of Craft and Sorcery."

"Lord Vivec the Poet is one of the three Immortal God-Kings of Morrowind, a Pillar of the Tribunal, and the patron of Artists and Rogues. Vivec was the most gallant knight and the most subtle rogue of the First Council. At once brave and honorable, and cunning and devious, Lord Vivec is a rare combination of the virtues of flamboyant adventurer and prudent statesman. Lord Vivec is a lover of both words and deeds, and a master of weapons and poetry."

:disturbing dreams:
"That means nothing to me. Perhaps you wouldn't know, but the Temple regards disturbing dreams as a sign of soul sickness -- a sign that the mind is deranged by impure impulses and dangerous feelings. The Ashlanders have many superstitions about dreams, but they have superstitions about everything."

Faern Sargtlin

(go back to Foreign Quarter)


Faern Sargtlin

(find some inn, sleep and get a strange dream)

"I dreamed that a tall figure with a golden mask spoke to me, but I understood not a word. He smiled, and seemed pleasant, but when he reached to touch me, it terrified me, and I tried to escape, but I couldn't move. I tried to cry out, but I couldn't make a sound. The figure kept smiling and talking, but I felt sure he was trying to cast some sort of spell on me. When I woke, I couldn't recall how the dream ended."

(go to Jobasha's Rare Books)
(purchase "Progress of Truth")


:disturbing dreams:
"I'm sorry. I don't know why you'd tell me this. In the old country, they set great store by dreams and omens. But I am an educated creature. Dreams mean nothing. They are just... fancies. Imagination."

Faern Sargtlin

(go to Vivec Silt Strider port, buy passage to Balmora)
(go to Cosades' house)

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